Thursday, September 4, 2014

I always share my drawer of junk food w everyone. I share everything but this lol.
Sharing is caring does not apply to this little tin of happiness. This is one selfish happiness I allow only myself to indulge in.


I've been having serious conversations and deep thoughts with myself of late. Trying to comprehend and accept that not everyone works the same way in life.
But I get so affected when people behave so differently from what I expect them to be. It's not wrong of them, but through my own logic I don't think it's right of them either. I can't expect everyone to be what I want them to be. Each of them have their own set of life rules and principles to follow as I have mine.
Many a time I exercise measures thinking it's only decent everyone treats me with the same attitude back. And then I get pretty upset when it happens otherwise. It's a cycle of an arguable situation, which would get ugly if anyone tries to conclude it. 

So is the final conclusion to just suck it up and give in? Most issues only get talked about behind backs instead of facing it full on. And then they apply their own theory and thinks it's how it should be done. See? It's the cycle again, no one is able to truly be the judge of it. 

I'm not saying in every situation I'm in the right. Well some I think I am, but I trip a lot too and I have a fair share of life mistakes. I often let my temper get the better of me and my judgement gets clouded too. But even if I've thought thru things before speaking up, recalling back on times that nothing good ever happens when I speak my mind, losing a few friends along the way, my half conclusion is: no one can accept the truth. So it's just better for me to keep my mouth shut.

Or not. I don't know. This is just another one of my silent conversations with myself that will go on for days which I will never really have an answer to. 

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